Standing for Freshmen Reflecting While Developing, FRWD is a freshman leadership organization (FLO) specifically for Mays Business students at Texas A&M University.
FRWD offers incoming freshmen a valuable gateway into Texas A&M and the Mays Business School. We understand that transitioning from high school to college can be challenging, and our mission is to build a family of business majors that empowers freshmen to confidently to tackle their first year at Texas A&M University! With our sophomore mentors and junior executive team, we have an abundance of knowledge and experience to pass down to incoming freshmen!
Click below to learn about:

Before you lead others, you must be able to lead yourself. Reflection is a key component of self-development and fosters authentic leadership. Our goal is to help freshmen develop their leadership style through self-awareness and reflection. FRWD establishes an environment of growth and learning, so you can become the leader you wish to be.

As service is an Aggie core value, we strive to make selfless service a key part of FRWD. With countless volunteer opportunities, we take pride in serving our community any way we can. We understand the importance of service, not only by improving our community, but our growth and bond as an organization as well.

Participating in the success of others is the key to having a truly thriving community. FRWD assigns two sophomore mentors to every eight freshman so we can pass our knowledge down to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. In our organization, your mentor will guide you through your first year at Mays, giving you advice about anything from classes to professional development opportunities. Our goal is to help you thrive!
We offer social events almost every day, such as intramurals, study socials, attending football games as a FLO and so much more! We require at least eight social points a semester, which is more than easy to achieve with all of the opportunities that we offer. Social events are what make FRWD a family.
Each semester, FRWD brings together a lively group of freshmen and mentors to join various intramural teams like soccer, basketball, volleyball and more! Whether you're highly competitive or just excited about sports and FRWD, we’d love for you to join an intramural team!

Coming into my freshman year at Texas A&M I set a goal for myself to find my place and my people in such a large university. To reach this goal I wanted to join a social organization and an organization in Mays Business School. Over the course of the first few weeks of freshman year I found FRWD. FRWD was exactly what I was looking for. It accomplished both goals I had set for myself. My freshman year in FRWD provided me with an awesome group of fellow freshmen to do the year with as well as mentors who I could look up to and rely on no matter what. My experience freshman year led to me applying for staff so I could continue to grow in my relationships within this organization as well as give back to the next year's freshmen as a mentor. My sophomore year on staff provided me with so much self-growth as a leader and person. I solidified my closest friends and continued to foster those relationships. Most importantly, my sophomore year introduced me to an amazing group of freshmen who I was able to be there for as well as establish a community and friendships that will last a lifetime. It was the culmination of those two years that made me want to be a part of FRWD for my third and final year as the president. This organization and the people I have gotten to know have made my time at Texas A&M better than I could've ever imagined as an incoming freshman. Over the course of my college career, I can truly say that FRWD is my safe place and provided me with my people at Texas A&M.
Jacob Mueller
Representative 2022-2023
Mentor 2023-2024
Executive 2024-2025
Grace Motal

Grace Motal
Going into my freshman year at A&M, I knew I wanted to join something that would surround me with great people and make my time at college something to remember. I am so happy to say FRWD provided just that for me and more! I have found lifelong friends and made awesome memories with them. I would say without a doubt that FRWD was the highlight of my freshman year. The mentors I had made me feel comfortable and welcome at A&M, and they were there whenever I needed advice or help. I also really enjoy that all of us are business majors because that allows us to help each other even more. From retreats and events to color group hangouts to studying together at the library, I have loved every moment with this organization. FRWD has been so special to me, and it brings me so much joy knowing that I now get to be a mentor and provide the Class of '28 with an amazing group of people and an experience similar to mine!
Representative 2023-2024
Mentor 2024-2025
Greta Grabow

Representative 2022-2023
Mentor 2023-2024
Executive 2024-2025
Greta Grabow
When I came to A&M, I knew about FLOs, but I didn’t know how much it would impact my first year of college. After getting into FRWD, I was blessed to meet so many new friends! It was also very beneficial to be apart of an organization specifically for Mays students, and the mentors in FRWD were so helpful and supportive during the first year. Whether I needed help with a class or just wanted to hang out with someone in WCL or anywhere on west campus, I knew I could count on someone in FRWD to be there! Because FRWD really felt like family to me, I decided to apply for staff, and was so excited when I was accepted. I love getting show incoming freshmen why I love this organization!
Representative 2022-2023
Mentor 2023-2024
Executive 2024-2025

Representative 2023-2024
Mentor 2024-2025
During the first few weeks of my freshman year there was a lot of talk around campus about FLO’s, but I didn’t know too much about them. I knew I wanted to join something on campus but wasn’t sure if a FLO was the right fit for me. I ended up attending the FRWD informational and quickly realized that FRWD was exactly what I was looking for. I didn’t really know what to expect but looking back, applying to FRWD was by far the best decision I made my freshman year. The support the mentors provided throughout the whole year meant a lot to me especially as a freshman at such a large university. I knew I could count on them to be there for me no matter what. From color group hangouts and study sessions in the WCL to late nights in Hullabaloo, FRWD became more than an organization, it became my family away from home. Being part of a tight knit group is what I was looking for coming into freshman year and is exactly what FRWD provided me. I am beyond excited to be a mentor this upcoming year and cannot wait to share such a special year with the Class of ‘28!
Parker Steen

Representative 2023-2024
Mentor 2024-2025
I had no idea what a FLO was until two weeks before the applications were due. When scrolling through the long list of FLOs that were offered at A&M, I was immediately overwhelmed. I remember looking through each FLO’s Instagram and doing my research before writing my applications; I had no idea which one I was going to “fit into.” I can confidently say that I made the best decision by choosing to apply to FRWD! The transition to college can be difficult, lonely, and stressful. I did not enjoy college the first couple of months and almost transferred… The second I hung out with FRWD & especially my color group, I knew that they would become my best friends. We would play pickleball until 12am, study at the business library until 2am, and yap until 4am! My color group girls would come over to my dorm every night and we would yap for hours!! We quickly spent every waking second together, inevitably causing us to become best friends. Freshman year is the best way to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. I highly recommend applying this fall!! I am incredibly excited and honored to become a mentor and pass it on to the class of ‘28!!!
Janice Shen

Representative 2023-2024
Mentor 2024-2025
As I was getting ready to enter a whole new world in College Station, I set a couple goals for myself. Be smart with my finances, and find people who I could confide in/be myself around. I can confidently say I succeeded in one of those goals, you can probably guess which one. When I first saw all those FLO’s bannering outside Sbisa I was a little intimidated because there were just so many of them. I was scared I was going to pick one I didn’t fit into, or one that wouldn’t help me grow both professionally and socially. Then one day I stumbled across FRWD, and after talking with a couple of the staff members for a bit I quickly realized that this organization embodied exactly what I was looking for at Texas A&M. FRWD became more than an organization to me, but rather a family. Not too long into my freshman year, time spent counting down the days until I could leave and go back to my hometown turned into time I spent trying to optimize the time I had with my friends in FRWD. I’m so grateful for how committed the staff was to us, and how willing they were to help us out in any way possible. Most importantly, I’m eternally grateful for the memories I got to make with friends that I hope to have for a lifetime. From pickleball, color group hangouts, retreats, to late nights in Hullabaloo, I loved it all. I couldn’t be more excited to be on staff this year as a mentor, and I know the class of ‘28 is gonna be one for the books!